Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Faces of Hate

sare: sometimes hate finds you

mo: hate seeks out single white girl in city
hate, lonely for more of the same, eats in starbucks

sare: hate finds satisfaction in his 9 dollar half sandwich and coffee order

mo: hate gives blood at blood bank to the chagrin of the citizens of tacoma, wa

sare: hate enjoys stomping past you on the subway stairs, only to stop dead at the top to answer his cell.

mo: hate goes back to 1999 and tells all who will listen how sixth sense ends

sare: hate refuses to close his mouth when he chews.

mo: hate reminds you that you didn't call your mom today

sare: hate makes the friendly suggestion that you get started on that project, even though you're currently working on it

mo: hate says happy 35th birthday while holding out to you the goals you wrote down as a 10 year old that said you'd have both a tony and an oscar by this time

sare: hate plops down between you and that boy you like and tells that story about the time when you were really drunk and you burped and sneezed at the same time

mo: hate's dog poops in front of our stoop, but hate just 'forgot' to bring a baggy for disposal

sare: hate interrupts yours story about chinese cigarettes to quiz you on the facts, with the sole purpose of making you look like you don't know what you're talking about. I mean, you read the times article, but you didn't go to effing china. you didn't read a book on it or anything. i mean, do you have to take a seminar on something before you mention it as an interesting fact to break the tension after awkward sex?

mo: hate shows up at the all girl outing talking about the 'cute' boy she met last week at the picnic. the 'cute' boy in question is your ex-boyfriend which you both KNOW she knows.

sare: hate goes on and on about how much chemistry she had with him and launches into how sorry she feels for him because of his last girlfriend and then she's like "you might know him, you guys went to the same school" which just puts you in the worst position and it's like duh. Also she has those perfect cheekbones that you just want to smash except that they are so perfect and pretty you almost want to reach out and touch them. and seriously, who goes to picnics anymore? whatever, hate. like you're the one person in the world that doesn't look stumpy when you tuck your pants into your boots.

mo: hate then starts talking about how much WEIGHT she's gained over the summer ... the summer she was in ITALY on a work visa which she says she never had to use because she met this DELIGHTFUL family - they're czars from Russia visiting for the summer as well - who just INSISTED that she live with them. she learned both Italian and Russian and now is worried about getting into her clothes for the upcoming school year ... she just got accepted to Yale's graduate program for Drama

sare: man.
hate's getting me down.

mo: me too
want some cheetos?

sare: yeah.


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