Thursday, March 09, 2006


mo: shit that's wonderfully wrongly beautifully gheyly cute:

sare: I just became a mom of toddlers

mo: two of whom just adorably pulled out the pansies in the yard

sare: so cute! get the camera!

mo: already have the video set up and recording!

sare: look! he's hitting me with the basebal bat! so sweet! he's gonna be a baseball player! yes he is!

mo: oh, little jamie and his zany behavior!
look he hit rebecca so hard she lost her first tooth


mo: * gets scrapbook *
* deposits Rebecca's bloody tooth next to fist full of her hair pulled on 3/8/06 *

sare: >bedazles page<
>snaps photo of page<

mo: * registers *
* puts jpeg on website *

sare: >feels empty<

mo: * blogs about Sare's emptiness on her children's website *

sare: >gets pregnant again<

mo: * begins picture campaign of baby belly *
* jamie finds new things to distroy *

sare: >has affair<

mo: * rebecca continues slow journey to alcoholism *

sare: >takes a yoga class<

mo: * records rebecca's trial for manslaughter of jaime *

sare: >marries millionaire<
>lives on boat<
>hates it<

mo: * takes dingy out to boat to take illicit pictures of new millionaress *

sare: >does meth<
>does more meth<

mo: * turns camera on self shows life of depravity *

sare: >does more meth<

mo: * does documentary of downfall of rebecca - shows mom as villan *
* all very heavy handed *
* wins oscar *

sare: >talks to Maury Povich<
>while high on meth<
>does playboy spread with jade barrymore and demi moores mom<
>creeps self out<

mo: * dies in Vegas hotel room *
* films death *

sare: >retires<

mo: * rebecca gets out of prison *
* pulls pansies *



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