Monday, March 20, 2006

Why am I always the boy?

mo: you love butt!
that's the problem
sare: it's true.
I blame myself
>pulls mail back over arms<
I'll be here
mo: WAIT!
sare: >buries self in Dell boxes<
mo: you give up SO EASILY!
* tosses long blonde hair over shoulder *
sare: well, i don't want to push
mo: * applies lipstick sys­ta­mat­ic­ally *
sare: >adjusts tie em­phat­ic­ally<
>licks fingers, straight­ens eyebrows<
mo: * checks line of pantyhose *
Sent at 1:14 pm on Monday
mo: Say, Johnny! Tell me about your ad­ven­tures. Give a girl
something to think about besides typing and filing, will ya?
sare: I say, there was avo­lu­min­ous roar!
mo: You don't say!
sare: and the fellas and I were taken aback

I lifted the lid and saw a blinding green light
it semed to scan my eyes!
that thing let out quite a holler!
and made a beeping noise
and then I called technical support

the copy machine!
it was pausing jobs!
mo: Pausing jobs! That's the worst thing I ever heard!
sare: you shoulda seen the queue

I gotta call dam ass xerox.
mo: THE QUEUE! must have been
miles long
Sent at 1:25 pm on Monday
sare: i actually do have to call xerox


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